Machine Shop Capabilities

CNC Milling Centers

Haas VF6 SS

Our Haas VF6 possesses 5 axis capabilities with its TRT 310 rotary table. The machine boasts an expansive 64" x 32" x 30" envelope, a 40 tool high speed tool changer, a 12,000 rpm spindle, wireless probing as well as 1200 IPM rapids and a 833 IPM max feed rate. 

Doosan Dnm 5700

Doosan DNM 5700

Our 2 Newest Mills are Stable, Powerful, Extremely Accurate CNC Mills. They have large working envelopes. These Mills can move 20" maximum up / down travel under spindle Z axis, 41.3" maximum right/left X-axis travel, and a 22.4" maximum in / out Y axis travel.

Mori Seki SV-50 and SV-503 Vertical
Milling Centers

Working envelope 22" x 31.5" x 22" - Simulated 5 axis (2axis Rotary Indexer) -- Powerful, Extremely Accurate, Super-Fast CNC Mills - These mills can handle the Toughest Materials.

Mori Seki Sv-50 and Sv-503 Vertical Milling Centers
Haas Super Mini's Cnc Mill

Haas Super Mini's CNC Mill

Haas Mini Mills are the industry standard for compact machining centers. The part envelope is 16" x 12" x 10" - 6,000 RPM range with a 10 tool Auto-tool changer. They are a valuable addition to our shop where "second-op" and quick setup milling is required.

CNC Turning Centers

Okuma Multi-axis -
CNC Turning Centers

These State-of-The-Art CNC Turning Center can often produce complex parts in one setup, thus eliminating secondary operations and enabling us to hold very accurate tolerances. These machines are like having a CNC turning machine and CNC milling machine all in one package. The Okuma's can handle through the spindle material up to 2-1/4" and can Chuck a maximum diameter of 8."

Okuma Multi-axis - Cnc Turning Centers
Hitachi- Seiki Hitec - Turn 20j

Hitachi- Seiki HITEC - TURN 20J

Very Ridged - Large CNC Turning Center; the Hitachi-Seiki's can handle 2" through the spindle and can chuck a maximum of 12". A major advantage to this type of machine is a fast setup, High Spindle Speeds (7200 rpm), and a very ridge platform.

Hardinge TALENT 8/52

`This is a Slant bed CNC turning center that has similar capabilities to our Hitachi-Seiki. Material through spindle 1-3/4", chucking 8-1/4"

Hardinge Talent 8/52
Star Sb-16's Cnc Swiss Turning Machines

Swiss Turning Machines

The benefits of Swiss-type turning centers are their ability to make very small parts and LONG length to diameter ratio parts. These machines can also pick up and support the parts as they are being cut off the material bar to produce a virtual "Burr Free" turned part. These machines can also do back working and milling on our customer's parts, thereby eliminating secondary setups and producing solid geometric tolerance.

Haas Office Lathe 1

Quick setup - CNC controlled 2nd operation lathe. This CNC-controlled Lathe can be moved easily within our shop to support other machines for second operations where needed. This allows us to use our workforce more efficiently and streamline production.

Hardinge Super Precision NC II Turret type 2nd op lathe...

It may be old, but it is rock solid. Great tight tolerance / 2nd op capability.


ER-25 Index Hydraulically activated 1" capacity automatic screw machines.

These machines tend to be set up for long-run jobs and are not capable of the tight tolerances held by modern CNC equipment.

Manual Equipment

Minimatics has a full array of manual machines that can be utilized for R&D purposes and secondary operations when needed.

  • Lagun (Bridgeport Type) Mills
  • Hardinge Tool Room Lathes
  • Hardinge Chuckers
  • Horizontal Band Saws
  • Vertical Band Saw
  • Sunnen Hones - bores from .060" to 3.5"
  • Lapping equipment 24" plate

At Minimatics, we strive for perfection. Our machine shop capabilities offer our customers a wide range of functionality to satisfy the demands of their projects. Whether you’re looking for CNC milling centers, CNC turning centers, automatics, or manual equipment, we have it. Our machine shop’s equipment has been carefully selected and configured to best meet our customers’ needs. For over 60 years, Minimatics has been a Silicon Valley-based machine shop that purposefully designs and adjusts its machine shop capabilities and operations to reflect the requirements of its customers in the aerospace, medical, and telecommunications industries. We strive for consistency and customer satisfaction. That’s why we consciously cultivate a sustainable and comprehensive business model that emphasizes safety, quality, and ethical standards throughout our operations. We are eager to assist you in any way we can, so please don’t hesitate to email us at [email protected] or call (650) 969-6590 if you have a job for us to quote or any questions you need answered.